Why do we hear of so few doctors getting cancer? What is their secret?
doctors are humans too and all humans have an equal chance of developing cancer.
there are fewer cancer patients that are doctors too is because there are very fewer doctors in the world.
out 136,458,810 people that are working in the USA, only 4,591,885 are doctors.
Out of the five doctors know socially 3 have cancer!
Docs get cancer just as quickly as anyone else hon. Their odds arent any better
doctors are human, they do get cancer and sutch.
i had a doctor die of cancer. it is an equal opportunity disease.
As someone who has been in healthcare over 30 years, I can tell you that they get it as well as anybody else. There are no secrets.
Not sure what you mean. There are many doctors who have cancer. No one is immune. National Public Radio: When Physicians Get Cancer
Doctors can and do get cancer. However, it would not surprise me if they may have a lower rate. 1. Doctors are more aware of the health effects of certain behavior (diet, smoking, drugs, exercise, etc.)
2. Doctors tend to have more money to live a healthier lifestyle. Cancer (as well as many other diseases) are more prominent in those in poorer socioeconomic communities.
3. Doctors may be able to identify their symptoms sooner.
4. Doctors often have social networks of other doctors and can receive the best care available.So, no secret. Just money, knowledge and, the commitment to apply them.Some examples of doctors at perhaps the best cancer center in the World getting (and some cases dying) from cancer: Dr. Marnie Rose and Dr. Samuel Hassenbusch of MD Anderson. You can look up their story on the Internet.
i saw this one doctor drink Diet Pepsi until he developed cancer of the liver and pancreas.he was always smart in school. people thought he was the smartest man in the world because he is a doctor....but the truth is the truth, doctors are there because they were good in school, not because they are good detectives...btw, I have personally observed this information years ago, but I am not a doctor so I have no right to speak the truth. no matter how many lives it can save.But my personally observed information is now filtering into his brain because JAMA is finally publishing articles about it.-Do you want the truth? here is the truth: avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup because it is more dangerous than crack cocaine. PLEASE UNDERSTAND This is not a joke (you can't find crack cocaine, and you can't avoid HFCS)avoid NutraSweet it is Aspartame and it contains phenylketoneurics.avoid beer. just a tiny little bit too often will damage your heart (again, it will take some time for the truth to filter into JAMA)but like all american sheep you will avoid everything i am saying because i am not a doctor or a nutritionist so i have no right to speak the truth.
There is no secret. They just don't complain to their patients. They work as long as possible, and then send a letter to all of their patients telling them that they are retiring. I had one neurologist die of lung cancer and another die of liver cancer. It's very sad. It's like losing a member of the family.
No such thing, sorry...Doctors are not hollywood superstars and you wont 'hear of them having cancer' if you dont know them personnaly... Hearsay is a very poor way of determining that one category of people has a lower frequency of cancer. Except those people who work in healthcare, very few people know many doctors enough to get a notice if he/she gets sick with cancer... Consequently, telemarketeers have found this (false) saying a very effective way of selling their wares. Others such catchphrases include :-have you ever heard of bears having cancer (that one's used to sell laetrile/amygdalin/vitamin B17). No reflection of how much you know about bear diseases here... Following that same reasonning I could sell you bamboo shoots asking you if you ever heard of a panda having cancer... You get the idea. If you know a fair sample of doctors, I'm sure you'll hear of one of them getting cancer one day.
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