Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why is it contraindicated to aspirate syringe and massage site during heparin injection?

Heparin , an anticoagulant is to be injected into the fatty layers via subcutaneous( sq). A short needle a Tuberculin syringe can be used. Do not aspirate and do not massage site . Heparin interferes with the conversion of prothrombin into thrombin; prevents the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin = inhibits clots. Aspirating and massaging defeats the purpose. It causes damage to the tissues and causes additional bruising. Clots or hematomas can be formed by the action.
You don't massage it as it can cause increased bleeding under the skin and bruising. Best thing is to inject into subcutaneous skin and leave it alone. There's no need to aspirate unlike insulin - it's ok for heparin to enter the blood stream.

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