Even the government is making laws.People are being lead down the wrong path when they blame smoking and second hand smoke on just about every respiratory illness out there.It's the pollution in the air you people.Do you honestly believe my puffing on a cig outside is going to make you sick? While you stand beside a belching bus or a running car?Come on ... really!!If they are so bad why don't they ban selling them.Or why not ban food because so many people are obese and draining the health care system.They are making a big deal out of smoking so you will get your mind off the real issue of bad air. 75% of people live in cities, it not my smoke thats killin ya it's the air you breath every day 24--7 not the 10 min. it takes me to smoke a cig!
I flat out agree with you...I wreckon its is totally wrong that its took all this time for the tabacco companys to tell us what actually is in the smokes that i have been inhaling for 16 years.If its so poisoneous it should be illegal to sell them and smokers should have a right to sue the government for getting addicted to all the toxins and poisons that they have been feeding us for years..When I started smoking there was never a health warning or anything on the cigarette packets.
How long and how healthy do you want to live.
I knew a guy, not that old who, through smoke induced poor circulation, had lost both legs and one arm.
Yes he still managed to hold a cigarette in his only remaining limb and smoke. He's dead now of course. Aawwww. There is absolutely no positive aspect to smoking.
And I suspect that you are a creationist and a flat earth believer as well.
We lived in the suburbs where pollution isn't so bad and my mom smoked every day. She really only just lit the cigarette, put it on the edge of the ashtray and puffed on it once in a while when she did her housework. She used to say all the things you've said above. She used to say, "Mind your own business! My one cigarette every few hours isn't making a bit of difference to the atmosphere. And I WILL NOT get cancer! I would know and FEEL it if my lungs were damaged!" One day, when I went over to visit, she asked me who it was that I brought with me. I said, "I'm here alone!"She said, "No! There's a girl in the living room who came over with you! I saw her come in behind you. Who is she?"She was hallucinating; an effect caused by high levels of toxic carbon monoxide in her blood stream. We took her to the ER and they said her lungs were so bad from smoking over the years that she had chronic emphysema for one thing ... and for another, her lungs were NOT breathing out the carbon monoxide and THAT'S what causes halucinations when it backs up into your bloodstream ... and then you die.She died a few weeks later. The last thing she said to me before lapsing into a coma was ... "Why didn't you make me stop smoking?" I could never MAKE her do anything.The government doesn't want to tick off the mega-billion dollar food industry by banning food and even the tobacco industry is very powerful so they can't be banned either.Quit smoking. Do it now so, in a couple of years, you won't be lying on your death bed asking someone who loves you, "Why did you let me smoke until I ended up in Intensive Care? Why didn't you stop me?"
The smell of smoke is gross, and it gets in your hair and clothes, and if your a non smoker you can taste it if you kiss a smoker. Why not do a search on the net on the pro's and cons of smoking, and have a look at what the cigarette chemicals does to your body. There has many chemicals identified in a cigarette as causing cancer, chemicals such as benzene, arsenic, cadmium, radioactive polonium-210 and formaldehyde to name a few. Check the links below and have a look at the chemicals that have been identified in cigarettes, the list is staggering.Any one for a cigarette?I have no problems with people smoking, it their choice. However I do object if I am trying to eat, and smoke is wafting into my face, or some smarty pants who deliberately blow smoke in my face (earns the blower a punch in the face).
If you choose to smoke, that's your business. If you choose to smoke inside a public facility, that's everybody's business. I'm thankful that people have taken a stand and said enough is enough. My right to breath smoke-free air was infringed upon long enough!
Because they have direct links to the tar and other pollutants Some of us have problems in the country where maybe 5 cars pass in a day Still have emphysema Children die from second smoke and newborns, They now believe that SIDs is from second hand smoke
mrsmay my friends nicknamed me smoke detector, the minute I step outside and breathe in smoke I start coughing, not just coughing but choking and gasping for air, hardly able to breathe, its not pollution becuase i could have my eyes closed and when i suddenly start coughing theres always a cigartte in sight, it causes my lungs to burn, and makes it hard to breathe, do you seriously believe it doesnt do any damage, and what about damaging to yourself? my grandfather died from smoking. Every smoker should be likened to a sucicde bomber they are not noly killing themselves but those aroud them, not the innocent bystander that passes them once but people they sepnd a lot of their time with
if you dont believe me since i'm not an expert and cant offer proof call the american lung association at 800-586-4482 and tell them what you wrote here lets see what they think about it all
much to be aired out here. if all you did was go to a forest, sit down and smoke a ciggie, i'd say fine. do the harmful things to your bod that medical studies say and know to be true. but i cant stand being some place and having cigarette smoke waft over my meal, or assault my nose. and like the other person said it causes clothes and hair to smell, breath to smell, fingers and teeth to stain, beats me why a person wants that to happen to themselves. now as for your other complaint, i agree, air purity is a extremely serious issue. our government tends to put the burden on the individual with so many infringements into the life of the nations citizenry. fossil fuels are to blame for most air quality problems. consider the combustion engine which has been spewing out oxides and ozones ever since it first burned the intial drop of gasoline. then add to that the huge factories which burn fossil fuels, coals, and other carbon based products for longer then cars have been around. this is over the last century and the bulk of the burn has been in metropolitan (populated) areas. so do i believe cigarette smoke is the etiology of all respiratory illnesses to be found in al the people of the world, no, just mostly in the people who smoke. the world has a immense atmosphere, maybe right now it is only 10% polluted, probably much more then that, but at what % will anyone decide that to much pollution exists and take a fighting stance to change the world attitude about it. right now its all lip service, votes, and money. someday it will be gas masks, controlled environments, and regrets.
You're in denial..Smoking has been proven to be harmful to everyone that inhales the smoke from smoking. Also, It stinks, and it makes your clothes stink.and it makes my eyes burn, it burns down homes(people who fall asleep with one burning), did I mention that it stinks?
I agree. I think that society is going out of their way to complain about smoking. I have been smoking two packs of cigarettes a day for about five years now, and haven't had any smoking-related problems. Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe there aren't any smoking-related problems. How can doctors differentiate between damage done by smoking versus damage done by breathing in the air around us. It is absolutely ridiculous how people are so against smoking.Then people complain about the smell. Come on people. There are so many other horrible odors in the world, why not complain about those. Smoking has no effects on a person's health, so go ahead and smoke away. Make other people deal with it.
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