Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Why is it contraindicated to aspirate syringe and massage site during heparin injection?

Heparin , an anticoagulant is to be injected into the fatty layers via subcutaneous( sq). A short needle a Tuberculin syringe can be used. Do not aspirate and do not massage site . Heparin interferes with the conversion of prothrombin into thrombin; prevents the conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin = inhibits clots. Aspirating and massaging defeats the purpose. It causes damage to the tissues and causes additional bruising. Clots or hematomas can be formed by the action.
You don't massage it as it can cause increased bleeding under the skin and bruising. Best thing is to inject into subcutaneous skin and leave it alone. There's no need to aspirate unlike insulin - it's ok for heparin to enter the blood stream.

Why is hyperventillation dangerous?

I've used hyperventillation many times before, but nothing happens to me. Then I hear it is dangerous. I wonder why.
Your body must have a certain level of carbon monoxide to stimulate the respiratory center in the brain in order maintain a respiratory function.That's controlled by the "autonomic" nervous system.When you hyperventilate you blow all your CO2 out and the the O2 blood levels go way up,and it acts like a toxin and decreases the ability to have a normal breathing cycle,and you gasp and pant very shallow breaths.In order to stop that cycle,you must breathe into a paper bag for several minutes,breathing in the CO2 needed to get the brain's respiratory center back in its natural rhythm.Take care SW RNP
if you are referring to the use if it in diving, it is because of the possible disorienting effect of elevated oxygen levels. You realize that people pass out from hyperventilation right? There is a reason for that. It is the body's defense mechanism used to restore breathing to normal levels. Passing out when diving is usually a bad thing.
Sharon got it pretty much right, other than it's carbon dioxide (one carbon molecule, two oxygen molecules) not monoxide:-)I can also point out that when swimmers hyperventilate it is to lower the carbon dioxide levels in the blood. When you hold your breath, it isn't the lack of oxygen telling you that you need to breathe again, it is the INCREASING carbon dioxide levels in the blood. Hence, hyperventilation increases the time between holding your breath and your brain's respiratory centre telling you to take another breath.
you cant get enough oxygen to your body to allow gas exchange to occur. i hyperventilate when i cry and if it lasts long enough i begin to feel dizzy.

Why is everyone so much against smoking?

Even the government is making laws.People are being lead down the wrong path when they blame smoking and second hand smoke on just about every respiratory illness out there.It's the pollution in the air you people.Do you honestly believe my puffing on a cig outside is going to make you sick? While you stand beside a belching bus or a running car?Come on ... really!!If they are so bad why don't they ban selling them.Or why not ban food because so many people are obese and draining the health care system.They are making a big deal out of smoking so you will get your mind off the real issue of bad air. 75% of people live in cities, it not my smoke thats killin ya it's the air you breath every day 24--7 not the 10 min. it takes me to smoke a cig!
I flat out agree with you...I wreckon its is totally wrong that its took all this time for the tabacco companys to tell us what actually is in the smokes that i have been inhaling for 16 years.If its so poisoneous it should be illegal to sell them and smokers should have a right to sue the government for getting addicted to all the toxins and poisons that they have been feeding us for years..When I started smoking there was never a health warning or anything on the cigarette packets.
How long and how healthy do you want to live.
I knew a guy, not that old who, through smoke induced poor circulation, had lost both legs and one arm.
Yes he still managed to hold a cigarette in his only remaining limb and smoke. He's dead now of course. Aawwww. There is absolutely no positive aspect to smoking.
And I suspect that you are a creationist and a flat earth believer as well.
We lived in the suburbs where pollution isn't so bad and my mom smoked every day. She really only just lit the cigarette, put it on the edge of the ashtray and puffed on it once in a while when she did her housework. She used to say all the things you've said above. She used to say, "Mind your own business! My one cigarette every few hours isn't making a bit of difference to the atmosphere. And I WILL NOT get cancer! I would know and FEEL it if my lungs were damaged!" One day, when I went over to visit, she asked me who it was that I brought with me. I said, "I'm here alone!"She said, "No! There's a girl in the living room who came over with you! I saw her come in behind you. Who is she?"She was hallucinating; an effect caused by high levels of toxic carbon monoxide in her blood stream. We took her to the ER and they said her lungs were so bad from smoking over the years that she had chronic emphysema for one thing ... and for another, her lungs were NOT breathing out the carbon monoxide and THAT'S what causes halucinations when it backs up into your bloodstream ... and then you die.She died a few weeks later. The last thing she said to me before lapsing into a coma was ... "Why didn't you make me stop smoking?" I could never MAKE her do anything.The government doesn't want to tick off the mega-billion dollar food industry by banning food and even the tobacco industry is very powerful so they can't be banned either.Quit smoking. Do it now so, in a couple of years, you won't be lying on your death bed asking someone who loves you, "Why did you let me smoke until I ended up in Intensive Care? Why didn't you stop me?"
The smell of smoke is gross, and it gets in your hair and clothes, and if your a non smoker you can taste it if you kiss a smoker. Why not do a search on the net on the pro's and cons of smoking, and have a look at what the cigarette chemicals does to your body. There has many chemicals identified in a cigarette as causing cancer, chemicals such as benzene, arsenic, cadmium, radioactive polonium-210 and formaldehyde to name a few. Check the links below and have a look at the chemicals that have been identified in cigarettes, the list is staggering.Any one for a cigarette?I have no problems with people smoking, it their choice. However I do object if I am trying to eat, and smoke is wafting into my face, or some smarty pants who deliberately blow smoke in my face (earns the blower a punch in the face).
If you choose to smoke, that's your business. If you choose to smoke inside a public facility, that's everybody's business. I'm thankful that people have taken a stand and said enough is enough. My right to breath smoke-free air was infringed upon long enough!
Because they have direct links to the tar and other pollutants Some of us have problems in the country where maybe 5 cars pass in a day Still have emphysema Children die from second smoke and newborns, They now believe that SIDs is from second hand smoke
mrsmay my friends nicknamed me smoke detector, the minute I step outside and breathe in smoke I start coughing, not just coughing but choking and gasping for air, hardly able to breathe, its not pollution becuase i could have my eyes closed and when i suddenly start coughing theres always a cigartte in sight, it causes my lungs to burn, and makes it hard to breathe, do you seriously believe it doesnt do any damage, and what about damaging to yourself? my grandfather died from smoking. Every smoker should be likened to a sucicde bomber they are not noly killing themselves but those aroud them, not the innocent bystander that passes them once but people they sepnd a lot of their time with
if you dont believe me since i'm not an expert and cant offer proof call the american lung association at 800-586-4482 and tell them what you wrote here lets see what they think about it all
much to be aired out here. if all you did was go to a forest, sit down and smoke a ciggie, i'd say fine. do the harmful things to your bod that medical studies say and know to be true. but i cant stand being some place and having cigarette smoke waft over my meal, or assault my nose. and like the other person said it causes clothes and hair to smell, breath to smell, fingers and teeth to stain, beats me why a person wants that to happen to themselves. now as for your other complaint, i agree, air purity is a extremely serious issue. our government tends to put the burden on the individual with so many infringements into the life of the nations citizenry. fossil fuels are to blame for most air quality problems. consider the combustion engine which has been spewing out oxides and ozones ever since it first burned the intial drop of gasoline. then add to that the huge factories which burn fossil fuels, coals, and other carbon based products for longer then cars have been around. this is over the last century and the bulk of the burn has been in metropolitan (populated) areas. so do i believe cigarette smoke is the etiology of all respiratory illnesses to be found in al the people of the world, no, just mostly in the people who smoke. the world has a immense atmosphere, maybe right now it is only 10% polluted, probably much more then that, but at what % will anyone decide that to much pollution exists and take a fighting stance to change the world attitude about it. right now its all lip service, votes, and money. someday it will be gas masks, controlled environments, and regrets.
You're in denial..Smoking has been proven to be harmful to everyone that inhales the smoke from smoking. Also, It stinks, and it makes your clothes stink.and it makes my eyes burn, it burns down homes(people who fall asleep with one burning), did I mention that it stinks?
I agree. I think that society is going out of their way to complain about smoking. I have been smoking two packs of cigarettes a day for about five years now, and haven't had any smoking-related problems. Maybe I'm just lucky, or maybe there aren't any smoking-related problems. How can doctors differentiate between damage done by smoking versus damage done by breathing in the air around us. It is absolutely ridiculous how people are so against smoking.Then people complain about the smell. Come on people. There are so many other horrible odors in the world, why not complain about those. Smoking has no effects on a person's health, so go ahead and smoke away. Make other people deal with it.

Why is every commercial always breast and not about lung cancer it seems like that's all that is talked about

my grandmother had lung cancer never drank or smoked a day in her life she died within 8 mos, it has just been a year and i miss her everyday my kids will never get to know there great grandmother.
I have often wondered this myself. It seems like breast cancer gets all the attention. Don't get me wrong, I think that what they are doing for breast cancer is amazing and a great thing, I just wish the other cancers would get as much publicity and attention.My mother died of lung cancer about 4 years ago. This cancer is vicious and kills so many. I don't think people undersand how many it affects and that it is killing so many people each year! FYI
~Lung cancer is known as the silent killer
~November is national lung cancer month (never seen anything done for it but it is there)
~A white or clear ribbon is the color for lung cancer
~More people die from lung cancer each year than any other cancer
~In 2003 lung cancer accounted for more deaths than breast cancer, prostate cancer, and colon cancer combined
~Among men in the United States, lung cancer is the second most common cancer among white, black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and American Indian/Alaska Native men, and the third most common cancer among Hispanic men. Among women in the United States, lung cancer is the second most common cancer among white and American Indian/Alaska Native women, and the third most common cancer among black, Asian/Pacific Islander, and Hispanic women.You would think with these statistics, lung cancer would be getting some serious attention!
the number of people with breast cancer is higher than the number of people with lung cancer. also, it seems more people are getting breast cancer than lung cancer. experts still arent sure what causes lung cancer besides smoking and certain chemicals. they know what causes breast cancer, so they are spreading the word about what they know, not what they dont know.
idk, but they have more ppl in breast cancer thats y they have adds saying to donate money, to help it stop spreading. they have fewer ppl in lung cancer.
Have you ever heard, "follow the money"? Breast cancer research is like the 2nd largest Industry in the world. Cancer is cancer and wherever it can find an open receptor cell it will take hold to divide and conquer. You will never hear from the medical establishment of a way to stop cancer, 1- because they'd put themselves out of work, 2- because they spend a lot of advertising dollars so the advertising giants aren't going to want to have their cash cow butchered. Fortunately more and more people are learning how to support their body's immune system so they can stay well so they do not have to be a customer of the cancer industry. You know the old saying?- an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of .
I KNOW WAT U MEAN!! my aunt rose had lukemia and thats almost never mentioned!

Why is dependence on some drugs okay but not others?

Do not confuse "abuse" with "dependence." Most folks think it's no big deal if they take anti-depressants, cholesterol lowering drugs or high-blood pressure medications every day (dependence). But as soon as someone says they take Xanax or Valium or Vicodin everyday, there's a whole different attitude about it.
Firstly, dependence/addiction are very broad sweeping terms.
According to the world health organisation physical dependence basically is physical adaptions that have occured in the central nervous system due to regular use of a drug/medication/substance and difficulty stopping or reducing dose due to withdrawal symptoms.
Psychological dependence can mean reliance on a psyhotropic drug drug to cope with everyday life or it can include using the drug to become intoxicated and or high. It also includes craving the drug.
Dependence is the medical terminology for what the general public is more familar with as addiction. Both dependence and addiction are wide sweeping terms.
Cholesterol drugs DO NOT fit the criteria for dependence/addiction. People do not get withdrawal symptoms from them. They don't use them as mind altering drugs to cope with everyday life and don't use them to become intoxicated.
Antidepressant drugs can cause tolerance/withdrawal symptoms and people can rely on them to cope with everyday life but they lack abuse potential. Xanax and vicodin can cause withdrawal symptoms, can cause abuse, can cause people to rely on them for everyday life.
Abuse is one of the criteria for dependence but not an essential criteria.
The drug companies, particularly in america have tried to seperate dependence from addiction in the media and medical journals but this is so that they can call their products non habit forming and non addictive (even though many people can't stop antidepressants due to withdrawal symptoms). It is about money dude.
If you think about it now with this propoganda the pharmaceutical industry is putting out, if dependence is different to addiction, then cigarettes are completely non addictive and non habit forming. Think about it tobacco use is not associated with dosage escalation, abuse to get high or intoxicated etc. Ya catch my drift dude. It about the money. Thank God the World Health Organisation talks sense.
Xanax is a brain frying drug anyway. It is a benzodiazepine and extremely addictive. Research benzodiazepines and see what those drugs have doen to peoples lives, many of whom were just following doctors instructions. Benzos are controversial drugs for a reason.
All drugs are not alike. Some drugs, such as aspirin, are milder than others. Many drugs are mind-altering, and therefore more dangerous. It is always best to have a doctor monitoring your useage, including over-the-counter drugs.

Why is combination therapy the treatment of choice for aids?

HIV develops resistance to antiretroviral therapy very quickly. Using multiple drugs helps prevent the development of resistance. The current treatment protocol is known as Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) and uses a cocktail of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease inhibitors, and possibly a newer class of drugs fusion inhibitors. Each class inhibits a different aspect of the life cycle of HIV. The likelihood that HIV will develop resistance to more than one class of drug is very low.

Why is cocaine called "crack"?

cocaine is not called crack. Crack is a purified form of cocaine that is "cooked" by the user, usually in a spoon with a lighter or candle, and using ammonia as a liquid base. The end result of this "cooking" is know as crack, and is a totally different high than cocaine. Cocaine is usually sniffed up the nose whereas crack is smoked through a pipe-2 totally different things with totally different results. I personally liked doing them both-for different reasons.
coke is cooked with baking soda to remove all the imourities and it hardens then it is crack
Coke and Crack are totally different things sweetheart.
Crack is called so because of the 'crackling' sound it makes when smoked.

Why is cancer a diesese that keeps going around ?

Because there is 'big money' in cancer. If any doctor or researcher develops a big break through in a cure, he gets discredited or dies an untimely death.
There was a doctor back in the 1920's that came up with a cure by using radio frequencies as a cure. He went into a hospice where there were 80 ppl dying of cancer. He cured every one of them. As a result, the AMA (American medical asso.) came down on him like a ton of bricks.
First, cancer is not one disease.Second, cancer has been around since the beginning of history.Third, the things that contribute to cancer will always be around. You may lower your exposure to certain carcinogens (tobacco, alcohol, radiation, some chemicals, etc.). Some things you cannot (sunlight, viruses, heredity).

Why is bariatric surgery performed?

Because it is the ONLY proven effective option for LONG-TERM weight loss. Also, because of it's ability to resolve all co-morbid conditions associated with obesity: Type 2 Diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, joint disease, plus many more.
Weight loss.
Is to help loss weigh
It is a surgical procedurer to help the morbidly obese lose weight by restricting the amount of food they can ingest at any time. I do not agree with this weight loss method since it does not teach the person healthy eating habits that they need to survive.

Why is alcholism or drug addiction called a disease when in fact it's a choice?

I'm a recovering alchy %26 attend drug/alchol classes 4 nites a week, but I'm told as well as the meth heads attending we suffer from a disease of addiction. Why say it's a disease? NOBODY forced the bottle down my throat nor the crack pipe in anyones face either.
I think the answer is two fold, first by calling it a disease it may help the addict to physiologically overcome the addiction. that almost makes a little sense but the part that bothers me is it takes responsibility away from the user and puts it on the substance. I agree with you addiction is not a disease, there may be some diseases you can get as a result of you're addiction but the addiction itself is just that. Think about it, a junkie goes back to shooting up not because he has a disease but because he has an addiction. I don't want to sound like a propaganda machine but the modern liberal world we live in has made it very popular to sugar coat things in the name of political correctness. This is just another example of that.
who said it was a disease? It's called an addiction, duh 鈾?
Though no one forced you to make the initial decision to consume the drug of choice, the "thereafters" were not a decision, they were needs you had to meet because of your body's response.
It's an excuse so that booze can be kept legal and get taxed. The disease is what you get later (i.e. cirrhosis and all that). The addiction isn't a disease. Just like smoking isn't a disease. It's a choice. I agree with you.
I would also like to know the answer to that. I have never understood why they call druggies and alcoholics people with diseases. A disease in my opinion, is something that you can not help. People choose to drink and use drugs and most if not all know the consequences. When you get the answer you need please let me know. Thank you
Because once it settles in, it does in fact become a disease. People who become addicted have physical symptoms of withdrawal from alcohol; DTs are an example of these, which may include shaking, headaches, and dizziness as examples to what some alcoholics experience during the worse stages of withdrawal. Also, it is referred to as a disease because there is evidence that the probability of one becoming an alcoholic is increased if they have a family history of it.
Some refer to it as a disease because they don't want to add guilt to those who are already trying to recover. As if changing the word is going to make it A OK. =]Others call it a disease because there are people whose chemical make up makes them more prone to addictive behaviors. That is, the person who drinks and manages to quit is likely to then become a smoker or an eater or a chronic exerciser...whatever. The concept is that the person suffers from the disease of addiction.
Because it was a choice to start, but if you have used/abused alcohol or other drugs to the point where it is an addiction, those chemicals have changed the wiring in your brain. So it was a choice to start, but it is not as simple as making a choice to stop. You have created a neurological dependency on these chemicals, and your body will demand that you provide those chemicals just like it demands food and water. When you spend time clean, you can work to rewire, but any relapse will snap you back into the dependent state. You can take 100 steps forward, but if you take one step backward it will be one 100-step leap back to the beginning. You can win, but you can't underestimate your opponent. Good luck and may you find the strength you need when you need it most. Peace.
It started out as a choice...the first time you drank. It then became an addiction, which IS a disease. Good luck on your recovery. You are to be commended for your efforts!
Hi, yes alcaholisim is a recuring desese!! for instance, if you study your background, i will assure you that you will find one or both parents or one or both grandparents had a drinking problem. the gene is there just like cancer and its waiting for you to have anxiety depression or friends to encourage you to make the gene active. it truly is a desease
i am so sorry you live with that!!
as far as a drug that is a concious choice..but once you make the choice and become enslaved to that drug it becomes an illness. you may be clean the rest of your life but hun it is an minute by minute fight..ALOT EASIER WHEN YOU HAVE SOME1 TO EMOTIONALLY SUPPORT YOU. you say you have been in AA ETC. then im sure you have heard the term HIGHER POWER... used alot. GOD is your higher power, he is your only means of rehab. you only have to do ONE thing on your own..ASK GOD TO HELP YOU! HE WILL I PROMISE. i dont kno u but god does and you will be in my prayers GOD BLESS YOU %26#92;O/
It's a disease because even though you made the choice to drink excessively, or use illegal drugs, you didn't choose to become addicted to them. Not everyone who drinks becomes addicted to alcohol, but for those who do, they have a disease. They have some type of a predisposition that enables their body to crave something it was introduced to, something that a normal body would not respond to with a craving. A normal body rejects things that make it feel like crap the next day, it doesn't crave for more. When a body's ability to function normally is impaired beyond a person's control...hence the addiction, well then it's diseased. OCD, or obsessive compulsive disorder is a disease too. The brain requires it to perform the same activity repetitively. Addiction can easily be likened to OCD. Just as someone whose brain forces them to arrange things symmetrically over and over again to fullfill an unwanted act or thought, a person with an addition's brain forces them to repeat an action (ingesting a foreign substance) to fullfill an unnecessary urge.Saying you don't have a disease doesn't make you any better of a person that you were as a drunk. It doesn't imply that you're accepting responsiblity for your own actions. What it does do is prohibit you from progressing further in your attempt to get your disease under control. If you don't accept the fact that you have a disease, whether it be cancer or an addiction, and then utilize the treatments available to help get the disease under control, then you will die. There's no way around it.
If you are not addicted, then drinking or taking any intoxicant to the point just before you're high is a choice. Getting high is something your body does. If you find the high irresistable, THEN you're addicted. Addiction is a disease caused by exceeding your body's ability to handle the drug without triggering an addiction response - an irresistable craving. It's believed that each individual has a threshhold of tolerance for each drug, beyond which addiction will occur. Addiction is a disease you can give yourself. And many people do. How much intoxicant it will take and how many highs it takes is an individual matter.

Why is advil contradicted with cipro?

Shouldn't be. As suggested, talk to your pharmacist and doctor. Who told you this?
wasn't aware as advil is prescribed as a pain med for infections that require cipro. confirm this info w/the doctor who prescribed the med and the pharmacist.

Why is a bone marrow test conducted if the platelet level in the blood falls?

the patient has suffered from blood cancer (lowest level) in the past and chemotheraphy has been performed twice. What precautions are to be taken with such disease? What is the probability of leading a normal life?
With all types of cancer's that are being treated by chemotherapy there is always a risk of bone marrow depression which means that it stops producing blood cells including platelets. if a person's platelets drop suddenly and remain low for a certain period of time even though they have had platelet transfusions then the doctor's will request for a bone marrow test to be performed. the test will show them if the person is still producing their own blood cells or if the bone marrow has ceased production.
Platelets are formed in the bone marrow, along with red blood cells and white blood cells. Blood cancers come in all shapes and sizes. Some are worse than others. Some are called lympocytic, megaloblastic, etc. Without knowing exactly what kind you are describing, I can not say what possibility this patient has for a normal life.
What the test is for: This test is to see whether there are cancer cells in your bone marrow. For this test, the doctor must remove a tiny sample of bone marrow cells to look at under the microscope.Types of cancer it is used for:Bone marrow tests are most often done for cancers that are most likely to affect the bone marrow, such as * Lymphomas (non Hodgkin's lymphoma or Hodgkin's lymphoma)
* Leukaemias
* MyelomaBut it can be done for any type of cancer if your doctor thinks your bone marrow could contain cancer cells, or needs to rule this out for any reason.Types of test:There are two main types of bone marrow test - a bone marrow aspiration and a bone marrow trephine biopsy. Aspiration means the doctor sucks some bone marrow cells up into a syringe. A bone marrow trephine means that the doctor removes a 1 or 2cm core of bone marrow in one piece. You may have both of these done at the same time. They give some of the same information to the doctor, but there are differences and it helps (particularly if you are having the test as part of your diagnosis) to have both. Basically, the bone marrow biopsy shows the doctor the structure of the bone marrow inside the bone, whereas the aspiration gets just the bone marrow cells.Having the test: Either test only takes a few minutes and you can have them done as an out patient. The doctor usually takes the bone marrow sample from your hip bone. You can have a bone marrow aspiration from your breast bone (sternum) but not a bone marrow biopsy.First you have a local anaesthetic injection into the skin over the biopsy site - usually your hip bone - to numb it. When this has worked, the doctor will put the needle in. For a bone marrow aspiration, the needle is quite thin. For a bone marrow trephine, the needle is thicker. Either way, the doctor needs to put the needle through the skin, into the hip bone and into the centre of the bone, where the marrow is. If you are having a marrow aspiration, the doctor will then suck a cubic millilitre of bone marrow cells into the needle. You may feel a sudden, sharp pain when the doctor starts drawing the bone marrow cells out. If you are having a trephine biopsy as well, the doctor will take this needle out and put the second one in.If you are having a trephine, the doctor will turn the needle back and forth while pushing it further into the marrow. The aim is to get a one or two centimetre core of marrow out in one piece. Once it is in far enough, the doctor will draw out the needle, containing its core of marrow. The needle going into the hip bone can be painful, but it doesn't last for too long. Some people prefer to have some type of sedative before the test so that they are a bit drowsy. Sedation of some sort is certainly a good idea for children. If you do have a sedative, you will have to stay at the hospital until it has worn off. And you'll need someone with you so you don't have to go home on your own.After the test, your hip may ache for a couple of days. You may need some mild painkillers to take home or your doctor may suggest you take some paracetamol. The results:It can take time for results to come through. Exactly how long may depend on why you are having the test. The results will not be processed unusually fast if the test is part of your routine check up, for example. The bone marrow sample goes to the medical laboratory as soon as it has been removed. A pathologist examines it under a microscope. To do this, the cells may have to be stained, so that the different types show up more clearly. The staining techniques can take a couple of days, depending on what needs to be done. The pathologist's report on the bone marrow sample will be typed up and sent to your specialist.Understandably, waiting for results can make you very anxious. Especially if it it takes a couple of weeks for the results to come through. Try to remember to ask when you can expect the results when your specialist first suggests you have the test. That way, you will know roughly how long they will take and can try to put the whole thing out of your mind until then. If your doctor needs the test results urgently, he or she will have written that on the request form. If it isn't an emergency and you haven't heard after a couple of weeks, ring your doctor's secretary to check if your results are back.
Blood Cancer or Adult Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a type of cancer in which the bone marrow makes too many lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell).Adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL; also called acute lymphocytic leukemia) is a cancer of the blood and bone marrow. This type of cancer usually gets worse quickly if it is not treated.Normally, the bone marrow makes stem cells (immature cells) that develop into mature blood cells. There are 3 types of mature blood cells: * Red blood cells that carry oxygen and other materials to all tissues of the body.
* White blood cells that fight infection and disease.
* Platelets that help prevent bleeding by causing blood clots to form.In ALL, too many stem cells develop into a type of white blood cell called lymphocytes. These lymphocytes may also be called lymphoblasts or leukemic cells. There are 3 types of lymphocytes: * B lymphocytes that make antibodies to help fight infection.
* T lymphocytes that help B lymphocytes make the antibodies that help fight infection.
* Natural killer cells that attack cancer cells and viruses.In ALL, the lymphocytes are not able to fight infection very well. Also, as the number of lymphocytes increases in the blood and bone marrow, there is less room for healthy white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This may cause infection, anemia, and easy bleeding. The cancer can also spread to the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord).This summary is about adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Refer to the following PDQ summaries for information on other types of leukemia: * Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treatment.
* Adult Acute Myeloid Leukemia Treatment.
* Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukemia/Other Myeloid Malignancies Treatment.
* Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treatment.
* Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Treatment.
* Hairy Cell Leukemia Treatment.Previous chemotherapy and exposure to radiation may increase the risk of developing ALL.Anything that increases your risk of getting a disease is called a risk factor. Possible risk factors for ALL include the following: * Being male.
* Being white.
* Being older than 70.
* Past treatment with chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
* Exposure to atomic bomb radiation.
* Having a certain genetic disorder such as Down syndrome.Possible signs of adult ALL include fever, feeling tired, and easy bruising or bleeding.The early signs of ALL may be similar to the flu or other common diseases. A doctor should be consulted if any of the following problems occur: * Weakness or feeling tired.
* Fever.
* Easy bruising or bleeding.
* Petechiae (flat, pinpoint spots under the skin caused by bleeding).
* Shortness of breath.
* Weight loss or loss of appetite.
* Pain in the bones or stomach.
* Pain or feeling of fullness below the ribs.
* Painless lumps in the neck, underarm, stomach, or groin.These and other symptoms may be caused by adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia or by other conditions.Tests that examine the blood and bone marrow are used to detect (find) and diagnose adult ALL.The following tests and procedures may be used: * Physical exam and history: An exam of the body to check general signs of health, including checking for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual. A history of the patient's health habits and past illnesses and treatments will also be taken.
* Complete blood count (CBC): A procedure in which a sample of blood is drawn and checked for the following:
o The number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.
o The amount of hemoglobin (the protein that carries oxygen) in the red blood cells.
o The portion of the blood sample made up of red blood cells.
* Peripheral blood smear: A procedure in which a sample of blood is checked for the presence of blast cells, number and kinds of white blood cells, the number of platelets, and changes in the shape of blood cells.
* Bone marrow aspiration and biopsy: The removal of bone marrow, blood, and a small piece of bone by inserting a needle into the hipbone or breastbone. A pathologist views the bone marrow, blood, and bone under a microscope to look for abnormal cells.
* Cytogenetic analysis: A test in which the cells in a sample of blood or bone marrow are looked at under a microscope to find out if there are certain changes in the chromosomes in the lymphocytes. For example, sometimes in ALL, part of one chromosome is moved to another chromosome. This is called the Philadelphia chromosome.
* Immunophenotyping: A test in which the cells in a sample of blood or bone marrow are looked at under a microscope to find out if malignant (cancerous) lymphocytes began from the B lymphocytes or the T lymphocytes.Certain factors affect prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options.The prognosis (chance of recovery) and treatment options depend on the following: * The age of the patient.
* Whether the cancer has spread to the brain or spinal cord.
* Whether the Philadelphia chromosome is present.
* Whether the cancer has been treated before or has recurred (come back).
If the cause for the low platelet count remains unclear, bone marrow biopsy is often undertaken, to differentiate whether the low platelet count is due to decreased production or peripheral destruction. Consult your doctor.
Please see the web pages for more details on Thrombocytopenia.
The bone marrow test is a cytological study of cells which are actually responsible for formation of platelets. To confirm the basic cause of platelet deficiency. Also to assess the response of chemotherapy. You need do follow your oncologist suggestions thoroughly. It is very difficult to tell the life probability.
The Bone Marrow test is conducted to ascertain whether marrow has normal or abnormal/blast cells. Normally, the abnormal/blast cells should not be more than 5%. In case blast cells in marrow are more than 20%, it is classified as Leukemia or Blood Cancer.
As far as levels in blood cancers are concerned, there are no levels or staging. The concept of staging is in Tumour Cancers.
As regards precautions, there are numerous precautions required and mainly depends on condition of the patient.
The probability of a patient of blood cancer leading a normal life is more or less equally divided i.e. he/she may lead virtually normal life with remission or may not lead a normal life if not in remission.

Why is (the git) so brain dead?

What do you mean by "git?" Never heard of that.
This question is very un-clear.

Why iI can not get in?

Let's try again. What are you asking?
I'm confused...whats il? And are you asking why whatever "il" is can't get in? Add more details!
I have no idea what you're talking about. Be more specific and explain what in the world you mean by "il?"
why whooooooooooooooooooo?!
and of course can not get in whaaaaat??
You must be related to the other person that I just read. He couldn't speak or type in english either. Maybe you all have established your own language. You need to go find him and see if you two can communicate.
we need more information to help you

Why I have such a high bad cholesterol?

I am only 27, young woman, Wt less than 103, 5'3'' and I have no bad eating habits...no high cholesterol found with my 86yrs old grandma, my parents are ok too.can you help what can cause me have it high? i have to be on lowfat diet . total 7.17, LDL (bad one) more then 4. THANKS
High cholesterol is not always bad despite with doctors might tell you. Be very cautious about possible staten drugs which can cause heart failure do to Q-10 co enzyme depletion as well as nerve/mental conditions do to the depletion of cholesterol in your brain. Cholesterol is actually very good for you, for the protection against cancers and many other conditions. It's bad fats such as trans fats that make your cholesterol bad. Just may need to change your diet alittle.
Your body makes cholesterol. Although your parents and grandparents may not have problems, you still could be genetically coded for high cholesterol.
These numbers are not consistent with USA measures, but hypothyroid can cause high cholesterol readings.
try 2400 mg fish oils and 6000 mg natural garlic from puritains pride . do not use the type of garlic that states its oder controlled if it dont stink it wont work ive lost 70lbs and my cholesterol is 140/ bad is real low and good is up/ i allso take meds for it but when i stopped the garlic and fish oils for 30 days my levals went way up .good luck

Why i get throat infection easily??

I used to have chronic tonsillitis and I solved it not by getting a tonsillectomy but by boosting my immune system. Eating right, getting exercise and enough sleep and eliminating stress will all go along way toward keeping you healthy overall. You should also add an immune supplement designed to boost the performance of you immune system.My family takes Immune Alert and loves it. Go to www.immunealert.com for a free trial offer.
still got your tonsils? if so, sounds like its time to go see a throat specialist and get them removed.i used to get a throat infection at least once a month for as long as i can remember. i got sick and tired of it so i went to my family doctor. he reffered me to a throat specialist. and we made the appointment for my tonsils to come out.and it worked like a charm. i've had one sore throat since and i got them removed 2 years ago.
I can't tell you why. Maybe you need a tonsillectomy, maybe you have poor resistance, maybe you smoke, maybe you have reactive airway disease, maybe you have a compromised immune system, maybe maybe maybe.If you want a diagnosis, speak to your doctor and let her/him tell you.
If you have your t9onsils out.Thats why they don't recomend taking the tonsils out.I have mine out and I use to get alot of throat infections.
Cold is usually due to a viral infection. It will first affect throat then goes on to the next part. Home remedies for throat infection available at http://ailments.in/sorethroat.html...

Why I always feel my left toe numb?

Is it from too long standing still or I got symptom from any ailments e.g high blood pressure or diabetes? I am 25 years old. I think I am not always standing. Please advise.
you could go to the doctor and see about getting a test for diabetes (peripheral neuropathy or nerve damage in the extremities is a complication of that) or see about getting a venous doppler test for possible blood clots (esp if one leg is bigger in diameter than the other leg).
not good blood circulation try asa (aspirin) 1 a day. or eat better sleep better play more often?
Try to figure out when it happens. If it was from standing, it would get better when you sit down. If it is from standing, better shoes would help. At your age, I doubt it is from anything like diabetes or high blood pressure, you would have to have them for a long time for them to be causing symptoms.
Are you on the pill and smoking because it can cause blood clots which are tingling or numbness. Also if you sit on the couch or not ambulatory, circulation can be a problem. Maybe you are wearing too tight of pants or shoes tied too tight. Can be many things.

Why have I developed large earlobes?

Over the last 10 years (in my 40s) I have slowly put on several stones. Before this my ears looked normal, however over these last few years my earlobes (not the ear main) are now large and turn outwards.
Will they go back to normal with dieting or could there be some other cause?
Thats like asking why does one have a big nose or a large butt. It is what it is thats all. Genetics..
Unfortunately your ears and nose never stop growing! Your out of luck! Why cant this happen to other body parts?
Heredity. In the East it is a sign of wealth (in your case all that eating you've been doing probably)
maybe see gpp i used ot do ear pierscing in old job and some ppl have large ear lobes generally so i dont hink they look odd its jsut u notice it cos i know ur body! i wouldnt worry but maybe see ur gp as i never heard about ear lobes inlarging! i dont if u wear heavy earring thats can cuases ear lobes to pull down and they look longer but not getting bigger and growin out wards with age! sorry hope this helps thoguh
Genetic inheritence, my friend. Try to look at your dad or grand dad. Youwill find the same with them too.
Better to hear with, actually our ears and noses continue to grow while we age, so they will even get bigger.
It is usually due to a defect in part of the cartilage (gristle) of the ear.
Hi Lochan,Agree, its Hereditary, I think on the male side. The simple thing is have a look at your Dad ears...My Dad has big ears and he's in his 80's so did my granddad he had Grand sized ears(as far as i can remember). I'm thirty something and got a large pair ;)All the Best
Little known faact but your ears and your nose will grow constantly during your life time. That is why all old people have larger ears and nose.

Why have i been throwing up everything ive eaten today unvoluntarily? (im not bulimic or anything)?

i woke up and my head hurt and my stomach hurt and i drank a glass of water...shortly after i threww that up..then i had some fruit and cereal..i threw that up. im not making myself throw up it just happens whenever i eat something today...i have never been like this ...what do i have?
You probably have a stomach bug.
See how you go if you cant keep fluids down i would suggest you go to the hospital and they will give a injection to stop you from throwing up and to settle the nausea. You dont want to leave to the extent of dehydration.
Honey, stop trying to eat. You are just having a sick stomach today. Take some medicine if your stomach doesn't feel very well, try to slowly sip some fluids but don't take big gulps or drink very fast. Tomorrow, if you feel like it, start out easy with something like tea or broth or jello and stick to easy foods like that for the whole day. If the vomiting doesn't stop tomorrow, go see a doctor.Good luck, and hope you feel better.
I would suggest seeing your Dr. tomorrow. They can prescribe an antiemmetic(keeps you from throwing up), and see if you are dehydrated enough to need an IV.
I hope you feel better soon!
sounds like the stomach flu if you have a fever.just take it slow very little fluids at a time.you'll feel better in a day or two.if thats your only symptom of course...but it could also be food poisoning...try to think back to what you ate the day before.

Why have I been so tired lately?

My allergies all of a sudden decided to come to me. I have a really sore throat, I can barely swallow, my neck muscles are really sore, and my I can barely breath through my nose.But mainly, I been very tired lately. At school, Im fine mostly. I would occasionally get a little tired, but thats normal. But when I get home and around 3pm-ish, I get extremely tired. If I lay down on my bed, I fall dead asleep. This is very unlike me, it was always impossible for me to sleep during the daytime! I would wake up near 8pm, still be tired, and go to bed around 10pm. Whats wrong with me? Do the allergies have anything to do with it? I had allergies before, I never got this sleepy before. What can I do about this?Also, I take an allergy medicine once a day, but it definitly doesnt cause drowziness. If i took more, then it would.
You probably just a have a head cold, I think that I have what your having too
Headaches, sore throat (pain when swallowing), sneezing are all signs of it.
I would have some chicken soup, it might really help.
If it is really bothering you go to the doctors, they can help you more than anyone else here.
Maybe it is becauser of the medicine you take or you stay up too late
It sounds like a toxin buildup. That can often seem like an allergy outbreak. Try a good detox program and that should help with any allergies you may have as well as boosting your immune system and energy levels.
Have you gone to see a doctor? How is your appetite or metabolism rate? It could be hypo-thyroid. Yes your allergy will also make you tired, because your immune system is fighting the allergen. Have a doc check you out. Could be other problems.
Im no doctor...but it sounds like your having symptoms of Mono. You can get a simple blood test at your doctor. The constant tiredness is a tip off but the neck pain and sore throat is symptoms as well. Do you get headaches often too?

Why have i all of a sudden been getting breakouts and I hardly ever had a problem with it before?

im 17...
Maybe you've been eating more oily foods like chips. Use ProActive if it gets worse.
Have you changed your eating habits?

Why hasn't the CDC warned the American people about the new infectious disease called Morgellons?

A new disease that has now infected more than 10,000 households and their pets. Research is now showing that nano technology is responsible for infecting people with this disease everyday.
Morgellons? = I'm from Kentucky and I don't think that grows in this state?
Nano technology? = I watched the super nanny program on FOX one time.Sorry, just a dumb old hillbilly here.
Morgellons disease is still not understood and has been confused with other illnesses. It is confused most often with an illness called delusional parasitosis (DP). Morgellons causes a sensation of something crawling on the skin leading patinets to scratch and this scratching also causes scratch marks that distract the doctors from seeing the lesions caused by the disease. At least one scientist examining a skin biopsy, viewed with high magnification, has seen clumps of fibers in the skin. This suggests some illness may be causing the fibers to build up under the skin and may be responsible for other lesions and this illness may also be causing the distressing skin sensations. I am guessing that because Morgellons disease superficially resembles a psychiatric illness (DP), and Morgellons has not been defined adequately, the CDC may feel that they cannot accurately tell people about it and the CDC may feel that warning people about it may not prevent it. Also some dermatologists who have seen patients with this disease feel that many people with suspected Morgellons actually have another illness. It is very likely that some people who have symptoms of Morgellons disease actually do have something else.As of June 2006 CDC is investigating this illness and needs to establish diagnostic criteria to define Morgellons and separate it from other illnesses before it can discuss it with more certainty.CDC does not seem to be hiding the possibility that this is a real and not yet understood disease, but just cannot comment on it with certainty.
nano techology? what is that?

Why has my little toe turned dark?

it doesnt hurt and no matter how much i let it grow out anf cut it its the same color. it happened out of no where and has lasted a long time. its also not the same texture and shape it used to be. help?
Yeah, you must mean the nail, otherwise it sounds like gangrene of the toe (are you diabetic??) If it is the toeNAIL, I guess you may have damaged the nail bed at some time, perhaps unknowingly. tight pointy-toed shoes? Or it could be a fungal problem.Whatever it is nail or toe, you should get it seen by a doctor or a qualified podiatrist - your health clinic may have one or there are lots of private ones. And check out the links below:
I guess you mean the toenail, not the toe? No idea
It will soon drop off.
could be a large blood blister
Because it's dirty?
You should definately see your doctor for this.First,it doesnt sound very good,even if its just the nail about to fall off for whatever reason.Seeing a doctor about it will rule out anything more serious.Good luck:)

Why happen now?

I suffer from chronic bad breath. I started to use therabreath product which include chlorine dioxide (sodium chlorite stablized) I stopped using it for a while as i was impatient for it to work. But as i have gone to use it again, i have been getting side effect, burning in my respitory track, nasal discharge and sore throat. but why has this started to happen, i was fine before! have i developed a allergic reaction to the chlorine dioxide?Ps, plz dont suggest i use regular toothpaste or mouthwashes bcause i have tried every thing under the sun!
Your bad breath could be due to other medical conditions. You should seek medical attention. Some matters that could use attention Gum Disease
Tooth Decay
Stomach Issues.Have you tried parsley.
Have you tried TUMS
Have you tried antibacterial tooth paste such as First Defense
Have you tried Dry Mouth Tooth paste such as Biotene.
Chronic bad breath or halitosis is usually caused by poor dental hygiene. Therefore, if you have seen a dentist for while, then you should go. Dentist could perform deep cleanings that could help tremendously. Flossing daily also helps. Chlorine dioxide do not typically cause allergic reactions, but can irritate the mucous membranes that can cause your symptoms. You should stop using it.

Why eyes burn when i cry?

Any time I cry or my eyes get watery, my eyes burn from the tears. Can someone explain this to me?
Your tears have salt in them. Sometimes the salt content is higher if you have not been drinking enough water.If one has an infection in the eyes tears can cause burning. If one has mascara or some type of makeup that gets into the eye when tearing that could burn.
From the natural salt on your skin
Well when you cry the tears have salt in them, and it causes irritation for your eyes. So thats basically it, or it could be that you cried really hard, and that your eyes burn from the salt, and pressure of your hands rubbing at your eyes. But yes, it burns mainly because of the natural salt in your tears
its probably an infection in your tear ducts i reccomend you go to a doctor as soon as possble

Why Don't White Blood Cells Attack Cancer Cells?

I was told that cancer is not forigen to our bodies so white blood cells don't feel it's a invader. White blood cells also contain the cancer into the lumps or masses. So if that is true when a surgen cuts into a cancer mass by accident and it spreads to the body thats bad. So if Chemo lowers your white blood cell count are we doing a chemcial surgey on the masses to cause the cancer to spread attatch to another part of the body to create a different strand?
White blood cells DO in fact attack cancer cells.My answer is a little long, so I apologize in advance, but I have tried to address the issues you raise in your statement. The wiki links at the bottom of my answer are also quite good places to check out some more in depth information about these topics.One of the things that the white blood cells do in our blood stream is to go all around the body and to see if they can find our own cells that are sick - virus infected or perhaps cancerous - and then to trigger them to die.However, one of the things that cancer cells can do is to turn off the cell death trigger ("apoptosis") and continue to grow.White blood cells can identify the cancer cells by changes to the cell membrane - if the cells are not putting out the right signals on their surface.If the cancer cells are growing and invading the local cells, this can cause a response in the body called Inflammation - and this tends to bring a lot of white blood cells to the area to fight the illness.This is how the white blood cells can sometimes contain the cancer. The rest of the phenomenon occurs because of the way the body is organized with lots of cells all packed together and tightly joined - the cancer needs to push these cells apart to continue to grow - and tends to grow in a big clump until it reaches some form of surface where it can spread out.If a surgeon cuts a cancer and some cells get into the blood stream - this is bad. The cancer can spread. This is especially true of some types like breast cancer. You will find that most surgeries for cancer involve taking out the cancer and a whole lot of tissue around the cancer too - just so we don't spread it around and to make sure we have got all of it.Chemotherapy is not chemical surgery. It is poisoning the cells. The trouble here is that the cancer cells have the same chemical processes as our own cells. They used to be our own cells! The only big difference is that they grow and grow and grow, whereas our cells don't grow so much. So we give medicines that poison cells that grow and grow lots.Unfortunately, some of our cells grow more than others - skin, hair, the lining of our guts. These cells can be affected by chemo as well and we can feel quite sick from chemo. Our hair falls out. Our skin can be very sensitive.With some types of cancer, we use chemotherapy or radiotherapy after the surgery to make sure we have got it all and to knock of any small cells that might have spread. We are not usually concerned with the spread from the surgery because our surgeons are now quite good at getting all of the cancer in one big lump. It is more of concern with some cancers (like breast cancer or melanoma) where the cancer might spread early.
Everyone has the cancer cells but something triggers them to go awry in certain people through genetics or other issues.
I am not sure why they use chemo or radiation both seem to just weaken the person further, though radiation can be more focused on the tumor, I think chemo is rather evil.
My Mom was sick but in her 80s she refused treatment. She was happy and alert up to 3 days before she died, only in the hospital 11 days total. Much more peaceful way to go.
I am a chemotherapy trained nurse and I am not quite sure what youre getting at. Sorry. But in short No. Thats not the way it works. The cells are a complex system that we still fully dont underderstand. But what we do know is that cancer starts with one cell that is able to mutate and adapt to whichever part of the body it lives in. Cancers will spread through the body if left untreated sometimes in an organised manner. This spreading takes on has many forms ie- not just "masses" depending on where it originated from. ie lymph nodes, bones, liver Therefore many different treatments are necessary.Chemo, Radiotherapy and Surgery remain the most effective and available methods today.
In some cancers the inflammatory response is noticeable as in inflammatory cancer of breasts. This type cancer is highly aggressive with rapid mortality.

Why don't we hear of "muscle cancer"? Why doesn't it appear?

Cancers are much more common in cells of the body that multiply rapidly, like the skin and gut. There are tumors affecting more stable and even permanent cells like skeletal muscle and nerves, but the reason you don't hear about them is they are much less common.
It does occur, it's called sarcoma. And I have seen patients diagnosed with it in my days as a medical student.
There are only two kinds of tissues that are never invaded by cancer one is arteries and the other is cartilages. There are tumors of muscles but most are harmless and local.
There is a "muscle cancer" It is called rhabdomyosarcoma. Nasty cancer. They just found that it originates in mesothelial stem cells. Seems that all cancers come from stem cells, so if we start targeting these stem cells may get some cures.
Sarcoma is the type of cancer that affects the connective tissues of the body which includes
bone, fat, muscles, and blood vessels.Sarcoma is often a childhood cancer. It is aggressive and rare. Treatment options can be limited as it often does not receive research funding. Which may turn out to be ironic if the news received this week about Ewings Sarcoma and the potential to force the cancerous cell to return to its original status can be implemented in human beings.
http://www.news-medical.net/?id=25159...NCI: Soft Tissue Sarcoma
http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/types...NCI: Muscoskeletal Cancers
http://www.cancer.gov/cancertopics/cance...There are two branches of Sarcoma - the Soft Tissue sarcoma and the Bone Sarcoma.Bone Sarcoma includes Ewings Sarcoma, Osteosarcoma, and Chrondosarcoma.Soft Tissue Sarcoma includes:
Alveolar soft part sarcoma - cancer of blood vesselsAngiosarcoma - includes muscles of the heartDesmoplastic small round cell tumor - unknown origins, affects the soft tissues of abdominal cavityFibrosarcoma - fibrous connective tissue Hemangiosarcoma - blood vesselsLeiomyosarcoma - smooth and involuntary muscle cancerLiposarcoma - fat cells found deep within tissue (thigh)Neurofibrosarcoma - Peripheral nerves of the Central nervous systemRhabdomyosarcoma - affects the skeletal muscles and muscle tissueSynovial sarcoma - unknown origin

Why don't the health providers treat people with active tb with vaccines?

If people are left responsible for taking antibiotics for such a serious disease as the super TB, from becoming drug-resistant, isn't that just asking for superbugs? They need to come up with a vaccine to give people and take the responsibility for keeping the strains under control as much as possible. I hardly know of one person who hasn't discontinued antibiotics before their course of treatment is complete. They are hard on the body. Diarrhea, etc.
The current vaccine for TB, called BCG, is really, really, ineffective in adults. It doesn't offer any protection. Also, if someone is already infected with a pathogen, a vaccine isn't going to help. Vaccine's are a preventative measure.
Plenty of people are working on better TB vaccines. It's one of the three leading killer infections (with malaria and HIV), so there's plenty of motivation to find a vaccine. It's just easier said than done in this case, due to the pathology and life cycle of the tuberculosis bacteria.
u cannot treat tb with vaccine ..in active stage .. their is no vaccine for active disease .. vaccine is only before the arrival of disease...
rabies is the only vaccine which is given after virus enters body ,...
tb can b vaccinated before .. with bcg .
but it reduces chance of active disease only in 80 percent of people ...
Vaccines don't treat diseases, they prevent them. Once you are infected it is too late.
Vaccines are no cure. And they don't prevent disease altogether - you can still get a disease with a vaccine it's just supposed to boost your immune systym so you get a milder case.As already stated most people who know they have tb are already in the active stage. SO what's next a vaccine for every disease? It won't work! They will continue to mutate. There is even the argument that superbugs are not only because of overuse of antibiotics, cleansers like triclosan and things like that but because of overuse of vaccines. There is still no proof that autisim isn't linked to vaccines (yes I know there isn't proof it is but it's to much of a conincidence for me). Antibiotics are not good for you long term as you stated however there are other alternatives -- theraputic grade essential oils have been shown to help, etc. We need to be educated not in fear.
As has already been said, vaccines do not treat disease, they prevent them, and are therefore not useful after someone has the disease.I'd like to add a comment on rabies, since it was mentioned as the only disease treated by vaccination. I'd like to explain that so no one gets confused on why THAT works.Rabies virus goes to the nerves nearest to the bite and travels up them to the brain. Until it actually gets to the brain, there are no symptoms. Basically there is no state of disease, just a potential for the disease. Don't get me wrong, once it gets into the nerves unless something is done to stop it it will reach the brain and it will cause the disease. There is one way to prevent the virus reaching the brain if the vaccine is not available. Cutting the nerves between the bite and the brain. There is no known case of the virus "jumping" over a severed nerve trunk.Vaccines work by stimulating your body to produce antibodies against the disease organisms. Basically you are given a weak form of the live organisms (or killed organisms) to make sure you have antibodies hanging around waiting for the real thing to show up. So the vaccine eliminates the time needed for your body to start a response; since its got the means to fight off organisms waiting around to be used it can destory more organisms more quickly.There is no treatment for rabies. None. There is no antibiotic that will kill it. BUT because of its unique method of causing disease if you stimulate the body of the person who was bitten to form enough antibodies to destroy all of the rabies virus particles BEFORE they get to the brain...no disease! That's why bites closer to the head are more dangerous, and why any child (smaller body = less length of nerve to travel) must be started on the vaccinations immediately...you don't have much time.

Why don't surgeons remove the diseased kidneys during a kidney transplant?

The only thing that I could think of is that this would take more time that the patient would be under, possible hemmorrhage and increased chance for infection.
A surgeon will only remove the kidney(s) during a transplant if the disease will spread to other organs or tissue, like cancer.
There are 3 main reasons why they don't:
1. Longer time under anesthesia (the less time under anesthesia, the better).
2. More physical pain, let alone the pain in the peritoneal cavity (the space where your "guts" are) where they put the new kidney, but in the back where the kidneys are located.
3. Longer recovery time. The body has to recover from major surgery to put the new kidney in, and would also have to recover from from having kidneys taken out (the body has to "adjust" with the space left where the kidney(s) are/were.Pretty much, there's no reason to do more than necessary.
They do if they need replacing, but more than likely they will do them one at a time if one of them is still functional, this is incase the body rejects the transplant.
reason that they don't remove them is if they pose no health risk, than the removal would be a risk. just that simple

Why don't scientists do research on the blood cells that are effected by the cancer instead of the cancer?

Cancer is simply a big cash cow for the medical profession. It doesn't matter what they study. After billions of dollars and poor slobs running marathons for cancer they aren't any closer than they were fifty years ago. They say the same as fifty years ago: early diagnosis and surgery. Chemo and the rest is just voodoo.
And you know for a fact that they AREN'T? You think that they haven't thought of that?
to the alleged colonel: "Chemo and the rest" saved my freakin life, so shove it.

Why don't I feel hungry when I'm ill?

When I get sick I don't eat, I have to force myself to eat otherwise I tend to fast for 2 days
Normal. It'll go away on its own.
Because you feel tired when your sicked.
most people aren't hungry when they're ill, but you need to eat to gain your strenght back up to par.
yeah, i know the feeling. i think your body just is focusing on other stuff, or you're tired and don't think about eating

Why don't doctors get cancer?

Why do we hear of so few doctors getting cancer? What is their secret?
doctors are humans too and all humans have an equal chance of developing cancer.
there are fewer cancer patients that are doctors too is because there are very fewer doctors in the world.
out 136,458,810 people that are working in the USA, only 4,591,885 are doctors.
Out of the five doctors know socially 3 have cancer!
Docs get cancer just as quickly as anyone else hon. Their odds arent any better
doctors are human, they do get cancer and sutch.
i had a doctor die of cancer. it is an equal opportunity disease.
As someone who has been in healthcare over 30 years, I can tell you that they get it as well as anybody else. There are no secrets.
Not sure what you mean. There are many doctors who have cancer. No one is immune. National Public Radio: When Physicians Get Cancer
Doctors can and do get cancer. However, it would not surprise me if they may have a lower rate. 1. Doctors are more aware of the health effects of certain behavior (diet, smoking, drugs, exercise, etc.)
2. Doctors tend to have more money to live a healthier lifestyle. Cancer (as well as many other diseases) are more prominent in those in poorer socioeconomic communities.
3. Doctors may be able to identify their symptoms sooner.
4. Doctors often have social networks of other doctors and can receive the best care available.So, no secret. Just money, knowledge and, the commitment to apply them.Some examples of doctors at perhaps the best cancer center in the World getting (and some cases dying) from cancer: Dr. Marnie Rose and Dr. Samuel Hassenbusch of MD Anderson. You can look up their story on the Internet.
i saw this one doctor drink Diet Pepsi until he developed cancer of the liver and pancreas.he was always smart in school. people thought he was the smartest man in the world because he is a doctor....but the truth is the truth, doctors are there because they were good in school, not because they are good detectives...btw, I have personally observed this information years ago, but I am not a doctor so I have no right to speak the truth. no matter how many lives it can save.But my personally observed information is now filtering into his brain because JAMA is finally publishing articles about it.-Do you want the truth? here is the truth: avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup because it is more dangerous than crack cocaine. PLEASE UNDERSTAND This is not a joke (you can't find crack cocaine, and you can't avoid HFCS)avoid NutraSweet it is Aspartame and it contains phenylketoneurics.avoid beer. just a tiny little bit too often will damage your heart (again, it will take some time for the truth to filter into JAMA)but like all american sheep you will avoid everything i am saying because i am not a doctor or a nutritionist so i have no right to speak the truth.
There is no secret. They just don't complain to their patients. They work as long as possible, and then send a letter to all of their patients telling them that they are retiring. I had one neurologist die of lung cancer and another die of liver cancer. It's very sad. It's like losing a member of the family.
No such thing, sorry...Doctors are not hollywood superstars and you wont 'hear of them having cancer' if you dont know them personnaly... Hearsay is a very poor way of determining that one category of people has a lower frequency of cancer. Except those people who work in healthcare, very few people know many doctors enough to get a notice if he/she gets sick with cancer... Consequently, telemarketeers have found this (false) saying a very effective way of selling their wares. Others such catchphrases include :-have you ever heard of bears having cancer (that one's used to sell laetrile/amygdalin/vitamin B17). No reflection of how much you know about bear diseases here... Following that same reasonning I could sell you bamboo shoots asking you if you ever heard of a panda having cancer... You get the idea. If you know a fair sample of doctors, I'm sure you'll hear of one of them getting cancer one day.

Why Doesn't Yahoo Have A Section For Those Of Us That Have Arthritis?

Why doesn't ByeDr.com have a answer section for those of us that have Arthritis? I see other conditions listed for Diabetes and a lot of other things but nothing for those of us that have Arthritis.
I hadn't actually looked, so now I'm shocked. I can't believe that they don't have this.
I've just checked in the Forum and it has been requested, so pop on over and vote for this one
Excellent question. Hopefully as more people get involved in ByeDr.com they will add specific topics for the more common diseases people have.
because most people are not educated on it. they think you take an aleve and move on which is not true. it is considered a severe disease with many different types and symptoms and be very debilitating. lots of research and few answers is the other problem

Why doesn't snoring wake up the snorer?

I know it wakes me up as soon as it starts, luckily for me its only when i have a cold. AJ
It very often does if it's loud enough.
man i wish I knew
Because you are breathing.
I wake myself up but I am a really light sleeper.
Usually I only snore if I am really tired or if I am sick. So, in those two cases I wouldn't wake up anyway.
It is a cruel irony..
One that I experience every night, unfortunately. Earplugs help.
It does.many times I have been roused awake by my own snoring.
They're often used to it and by the time they're snoring, they're heading off into REM sleep.
my wife snores and I stay up all night (very loud) but she sleeps like a baby.. then i snore alittle and she wakes up and kicks me...It's is literally a battle for who gets to sleep first in my bedroom.
My husband snores really loud and it never wakes him up. Its weird though because he usually only snores when he first falls asleep for about 30 minutes. Which you would think since hes not in a deep sleep it would wake him up. I only snore when I have a cold and often I wake myself up when i catch myself snoring. The only peace I get at night with my husband is if i fall asleep first and dont hear his snoring.
I wake myself up when I snore!
Waking up is usu. done not by the noise but by the lack of air. Snoring is caused by the vibration of the soft palate and of the uvula that obstruct the airway. That might lead to the sleep apnea, a quite serious condition that cuts the oxygen supply to the organism. The organism fights back and awakes the sleeper. In the last phase of the awakening the sleeper begins to be conscious of the environment and hears his/hers own snoring attributing the awakening to this noise. In the less severe cases the sleeper gets it through the night but will still feel kind of drowsy and tired in the morning due to insufficient oxygenation.
sleep apnea wakes up the snorer.
the patient suffers from sleep disturbance.
Sometimes people who snore don't necessarily wake up from the sound of their own snoring. People who snore heavily can also suffer from sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is where you stop breathing for a short period of time while sleeping. Your body's initial reaction is to wake up so that you can start breathing again. If you know someone who snores and often wakes up in the middle of the night, have them see an ear/nose/throat doctor to make sure they do not suffer from sleep apnea. My son did and had to have his tonsils and adenoids out at the age of 3.
Snoring can and does wake up the snorer just depends on the person. I am not usually a snorer but when I do snore I hear it and wake up. My husband on the other hand he could suck the curtains off the living room downstairs I can push him and call his name loud and he still wont wake up
it does sometimes lol, its soo funny when it does
I have woken myself up before with snoring

Why doesn't my face sweat when I play?

o_0 ive no idea.but with that weather im really surprised mate"
Either because you're a freak of nature or you have special powers or you're just perfect..you decide.

Why does your Skin Peal after you get a Sun Burn?

just wondering?
What happens is that is damaged skin at that point, due to the UV rays. Therefore, your body no longer needs those skins cells anymore, so your body flakes and peels to get rid of it. In fact, the dust that accumulates on our furniture and elsewhere, is dead skin cells that our body sheds every so often. The skin that peels off after a bad sun burn is a larger version of the "dust".
your body is getting rid of the infected area so it can rejuvenate itself
cuz its dead skin after it has been burnt
Actually, my skin never "peals," although sometimes it peels. The bells on my local church tower peal lots of times, though.
good answer Pete, you are correct...except we shed skin cells EVERDAY, all day and night. Just when a sunburn happens those top layers of skin are destroyed by the sun and are of no use... and it is a BURN like a burn from a flame or anything else that is scalding hot..Its your bodies way of protecting itself. Thats why in a bad sunburn it bubbles and turns to little blisters, trying to cool itself down and protect it
When you get sun burn it is basically a infection that needs to be gone. Your body does what it usually does when a part of your body is infected . Your body than knows that the skin should then be rid of.

Why does urine sometimes smell like asparagus?

Because you ate asparagus or other related vegetables. Brussels sprouts will also make your urine smell like vegetables. In fact, it's the result of a simple chemical reaction. Asparagus contains a sulfur compound called mercaptan, that's also found in rotten eggs, onions, and garlic. When your digestive tract breaks down the mercaptan, by-products are released that cause the funny smell. The process is so quick that your urine can develop the odor within 15 to 30 minutes of eating asparagus.Apparently, the body's ability to break down mercaptan is genetic, and the ability to actually smell the byproducts is also genetic.
probably ,you ate too much of it for supper=seriously i don't know

Why does tiredness cause black or dark circles under the eyes?

and how does sleep clear them?
A lack of sleep or excessive tiredness can cause the skin under the eyes to become pale and translucent, thus, making the blood flowing under it visible. (blood under the skin is blue-ish.. only turning red when exposed to air)
Lack of Iron...take vitamins
The circle under your eyes are sign of anemic, see or consult a doctor.
Dark circles under the eyes are a common complaint. They make you appear tired, even when you're not, and can add years to your face, but for some people dark circles seem next to impossible to get rid of.Contrary to what you may have heard, fatigue usually doesn't play a role in dark under-eye circles, according to Mayo Clinic dermatologist Lawrence Gibson, M.D. Lack of sleep is not a common cause either, although not sleeping can make dark circles appear worse because of swelling around the eyes. What does cause dark circles under the eyes? Here's a list of the most common causes.1. Heredity"The most common type of under-eye circles are usually an inherited trait like varicose veins and have nothing to do with underlying disease or how much sleep you get," says Paul Lazar, M.D., professor of clinical dermatology at Northwestern University in ChicagoDark circles run in families for a number of reasons. When blood passes through the veins under your eyes (where the skin is very thin), dark circles can appear. If your skin is more transparent (an inherited trait), the circles will appear darker.Meanwhile, you can also inherit an excess amount of skin pigmentation under the eyes, which leads to dark circles, and others, particularly those of Mediterranean ethnicity, have dark pigmentation in the dermis layer of the skin that "creates a blue-black hue below the eyes," says Dr. Sandy Tsao, a dermatologist at Massachusetts General Hospital.Finally, the shape of your face can also contribute to dark circles. Those who are born with a deep hollow (or "tear trough") in the inner corner of their eyes can have dark circles because of a shadow that's cast near the corner of their eyes, says Tsao.2. EczemaPeople with the chronic skin condition eczema under their eyes may experience darkening in the area, which is especially noticeable in people with darker skin. The discoloration comes from inflammation and rubbing your itchy eyes.3. Allergies"Substances that you are sensitive to can dilate the blood vessels in the delicate under-eye area," says Dr. Lazar. "The blood then shows through the skin."Further, allergies often cause your eyes to itch, and rubbing or scratching your eyes can cause the skin to darken. People who suffer from hay fever may have under-eye smudges during allergy season, and those who have food allergies may also experience dark circles when they eat a food they're sensitive to.4. Cold or Sinus InfectionSuperficial blood vessels in the skin can lead to dark circles under the eyes. A cold or sinus infection increases pressure on these blood vessels, which makes it even more likely that dark circles will appear. Also, if your skin becomes pale due to a cold or sinus infection (or because of fatigue, menstruation, pregnancy, etc.), dark circles will be accentuated.5. AgingAlthough getting older doesn't mean you'll automatically get dark under-eye circles, aging will tend to make existing dark circles stand out more, and may make them more permanent.6. MedicationsCertain medications, such as those that cause blood vessels to dilate, can cause under-eye circles to appear darker.7. Lack of NutrientsNot eating a variety of healthy foods can lead to nutrient deficiencies that contribute to discoloration under the eyes.How to Prevent Dark Circles Under Your EyesAlthough inherited dark circles can't be prevented, there are a number of things you can do to make sure they're kept as invisible as possible: * Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fresh, whole foods.
* Avoid rubbing or scratching your eyes, which will cause the skin to become thicker and inflamed.
* Identify, and try to avoid, potential allergens.
* Get enough sleep and take time to relax (and let go of stress). This will help keep you healthy and less likely to come down with a cold or sinus infection.
* Try placing cool tea bags or cucumber slices on your (closed) eyes for 10-15 minutes. Compounds in tea bags called tannins have been found to help reduce swelling and discoloration under the eyes, while cucumber slices help reduce puffiness.
stay off of ByeDr.com
Dark circles can treated with regular and gentle care. Cover your eyes with cotton soaked in lukewarm milk for 15 minutes everyday to remove the dark circles around your eyes or dip cotton pads into freshly extracted mint juice, flatten them and place them on closed eyelids for 10 to 15 minutes. Check out http://useinfo-darkcircles.blogspot.com/... for more info.
There are many causes of dark circles, from age, heredity, allergies, cold or sinus infection, bone structure and glasses which are not so commonly known.
If you would like to apply home remedies to reduce dark circles, here are some of my suggestions:
Buy a box of regular, old fashioned unflavored gelatin (e.g. Knox) from grocery store. Take a small cup or bowl and put in 1 teaspoon of the gelatin mix. Add one tablespoon of boiling water %26 stir for a minute. Test it on your wrist to make sure it is not too hot. Then, using a cotton ball, pat it under your eyes as you would an eye cream or gel. Go lie down and listen to some music, or take a bath %26 let it stay on for at least 30 minutes. Then just rinse it off.Gelatin is very high in Vitamin K %26 Biotin. It will not remove your dark circles on the first application (but you will notice a difference), but if you do it daily for a week, and then 2-3 times a week for maintenance, you should notice a drastic reduction in dark circles.
http://www.mydarkcirclesblog.com/2007/01...http://www.mydarkcirclesblog.com... .. tips on how to reduce dark circles, the causes of dark circles, home remedies, eye creams reviews, make up tips, and natural healer.
Here are some tips that may help your dark circles.Solutions for Dark circles
lack of sleep causes stress to the body. Stress depletes the adrenal glands. This in turn will cause dark rings under the eyes.

Why does the skin turn to a yellowish/olive color when it has lacked sunlight for awhile?

thats if you have a medium skin tone. it just gets light because the pigment isn't being stimulated by sunlight.
That's your natural pigment tones
sunlight darkens your skin from ultra violet rays

Why does the skin on your palms and soles of feet go all pruney when you come out of the bath?

Something I've always wondered. Due to osmosis??
Normally, our skin is protected by natural oils (sebum) so water rolls off. However, if you have been in water for a while, that oil washes off removing your skin's waterproof protection. With the protection gone, your body soaks up the water causing the fingers and toes (also palms and soles) to swell and appear wrinkled. Did you know this only happens in the parts of the body that don't grow hair?No, it is not considered to be osmosis; it is absorption.

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