Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do older woman get vertical wrinkles in their upper lip?

What causes wemen to get these wrinkles and men don't? Does shaving have something to do with it? Can anything be done to remove them or stop them form appearing.?
its mostly caused by smoking (the action of pulling on the ciggie) women who never smoked don't usually wrinkle there. So never smoke, or give up now.Men's skin is thicker than women's so that's why they age better. shaving acts as a natural exfoliation too
Smoking and talking to much.
its just their fatty tissues under their skin breaking down and the skin losing its elasticity...shaving has nothing to do with it...most women are smart enough NOT to shave their face as the hair will come back dark and bristly
smoking ages people faster..
use plenty of moisturizer everyday and drink plenty of water everyday that helps keep the skin looking youthful and healthier...although they will eventually show up no matter what you do
smoking.. unfortunately there is no treatment to make them disappear.. I imageine if you tried botox you might get some results, but you would have to keep the shots up on a regular basis...
When women age small faint wrinkles do appear above the lips...
Also when a woman has dentures and went for a while without her plate in, there is a tendancey to get lines aboue the lips, as there is no support from the teeth to keep it taut.
If you are a smoking person, give it up before you are older.. otherwise . hello lines about the lips..
age, smoking, consistently making the same motion with your mouth (if you have a tick), gravity, loss of collegen....
It's from smoking. I had a doctor bluntly tell me to quit smoking or I would have an anus for a mouth when I get older. I am serious, the doctor calls it anus-mouth. I quit smoking :)
I'm sorry to disagree with the popular opinion, but genetics play the biggest part...NOT smoking. Although smoking can probably intensify the problem, genetics and too much sun are the biggest culprits. I never smoked a day in my life, used plenty of moisturzers, always took good care of my skin, but my "Irish" skin, inherited from my mom, inherited from her mom.vertical wrinkles. I really wish there was something to do about them.
Genetics play a large role and how much time you spent in the sun - and if you smoke or are around harsh chemicals.I am not sure if the regime [re9] I use would help but it does fight sun damage and helps with fine lines it's worth mentioning -
I think the best option if nothing over the counter helps is laser or a chemical peel - I have seen people before/after
and it does help (not cheap) but effective. The regime I use is not cheap either but it does help father time.

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