Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do people stop coughing after smoking for a while?

The chemicals in the cigarette numb the cilia and other nerves in the airway. This reduces the bodies response to the irritation. After several hours of not smoking such as a nights sleep, the numbness wears off. That's why smokers wake up with a "morning cough". They smoke the days first cig and the coughing subsides. The cilia is numb again.
I guess its the warmer smoke that albeit smoke is probably warmer than the surrounding air.
the defensive reflex is suppressed and many of the cilia in the lining of the lung die,so a nice even coating of tar settles in.mmm,rich tobacco flavor.
That involuntary reaction, unless lung damage has been done, isn't "prompted" by the over-use of nicotine from the cigarette.
The cilia (Hair like structures that remove gunk) go to sleep right after you smoke a cigarette. If you continue to smoke you wont cough much all day.This explains the morning cough - The cilia are awake since you don't smoke while you are sleeping!

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