Saturday, October 31, 2009

Why does it hurt deep?

in your toe, zit, or other stuff that has puss in there? and why does it feel better when the puss is out, what is it that the puss does to your skin that makes it hurt
The pus exerts a force/pressure in the area that contains it which is why it hurts. when you take out the pus it is less painful because it doesn't push against your pressure/pain sensors anymore. However this isn't recommended because it may lead to scaring.
The pus is taking up space that was once occupied by other things (tissue, nerves, etc) when that space becomes occupied by pus, it puts pressure on those other things and makes it hurt...when the pus is out, it allows the other stuff back to where it belongs.
The collection of white cells (the white junk inside a zit) presses against a nerve and when the zit content is removed the pressure is relieved.

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