Sunday, October 25, 2009

Why do seizures end and last only a short time?

Why do the symptoms of epilepsy go away after only a short period of time?
there are so many different types of seizures, some are over in a heartbeat, and some last for minutes, if not hours (there is a condition called status epilepticus where you are in continuous seizure). the actual seizure is only part of what is going on, a lot of people who experience seizures have an "aura" beforehand, something that occurs before the seizure, then there's the post ictal stage after the seizure, where you are lethargic. some times only drugs stop the seizure.
Then that is lucky, because some seizures can last for a very long time.
This is not always true, It all depends on what type of seizure you have grand mall or petit mall the petit mall seizure are not as bad as grand mall seizures.Francine
They don't all last for a short time, some can last for a longer time.

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